Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Super Quick Update

I know everyone is waiting to hear how the closing went. It went well!! We officially own Sweet Peeps Farm as of yesterday at 1600. Yay!! When we walked up to the farm it looked so great! Tom and Kelly (the previous owners) had really done a ton of work in a serious time crunch. We popped a couple of beers and started on our list of things-to-do. We also had some really great help from our awesome friends Aaron and Heather who not only rolled up their sleeves but also provided music, dinner, and great company.

Here is the schedule Bryce provided us if we want to move in on Friday. As of last night at 10:30 (when we left the farm) we were already a little behind. This list by no means encompasses ALL that we have to do, this is just to get us in the house.

Morning- 0800 J B walk-through, 0800 M S Lowes for stuff, 1100 C B morning magic, 1030 B M Close, 
Afternoon- 1300 all start cleaning downstairs all rooms (start with living, kithc, hall, kidsroom, sunroom, mudroom)
Evening- 1800 Clean upstairs, 1730 Blue soccer
Night- Sleep if we have time

Morn- 0800 Paint downstair ceilings, prime downstairs
After- Paint upstair ceiling, prime upstairs
Even- Color pickout at lowes, Cat BBall 1800

Morn- Paint downstairs 
After- Paint upstairs, Kids camp 1-4
Even- Start thinking about fencing and animal security

Morn- Pack up 295 Powell, start move to Peep
After- Start unpack and moving
Even- sleep

Morn- Pack, wait for fridge
After- Prep for Fri getdown
Even- Fri Getdown

Hope this gives you a taste of what we're up to here in the happy life. We're off to the farm for more fun!!


  1. Wow! Talk about an ambitious schedule! I wish we could be there to help but I'm pretty sure there will be opportunities to contribute some elbow grease in the future =) Love the pics. Thanks for sharing.

  2. There will ALWAYS be opportunities to contribute on this baby. Our list is about a mile long!!

  3. Cant wait to see more pics! Loving all the team work and the painting for time.
