"Compassionate Adventurers" is the term John and his fellow teammates of The Modern Gypsies use when referring to themselves. Our very own Gypsy Farmer is a little bit famous these days as his team The Gypsies keep proving how amazing they are as athletes and as people on the new reality TV show Expedition Impossible. We at Sweet Peeps are so proud of the mustached team as we watch them both on the show and in real life while they work to truly make a difference by inspiring the compassionate adventurer in us all.
We have had a lot of fun cheering them on every Thursday at The Standard (an awesome local restaurant where they strive to serve local foods including our delicious chickens). We have been letting our creative juices flow by coming up with a different crafty party favor every week from purple mustaches on a stick all with their own unique name to mustache straws. We have also all been wearing purple, The Gypsies team color and conveniently my favorite, and those of us who can are rocking some sweet staches!! Check out a couple of John's interviews about the show and the farm at crossfit journal and Cville Local News.
Just in case anyone is wondering, we did today's WOD for the local ABC news.
5 rounds for time of 5 pullups, 5 burpees, 20 double unders, 50meter feedbag carry (50lbs). Good times as usual!!
Awww love the pictures! Ready to rock my purple tomorrow in Cali.