Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Life and Trials of Sir Stinky...Or Was That Mr. Pink???

I'm riding on the back of the four-wheeler the other day just looking around and thinking how pretty everything is looking on the farm. My stream of consciousness went something like this: There's our beautiful garden where Marissa has just done some fall planting and we picked hundreds of tomatoes from this morning. I can't believe that it used to just look like a jungle there! Oh look at all of our baby chicks...they're teenagers now! I wonder if we'll have enough firewood for the winter. Oh and there is one of the pigs with his little curly...pig? PIG?!!!? So Boom (our sweet little border collie) goes after him and I see them run off into the woods. I stand there and call them for a while and look for them everywhere in the direction they ran off in, thinking they're in the woods somewhere. Finally I give up because I need to continue with the afternoon chores and head over to the pig pen where I see all five pigs looking at me in hopes of something delicious to eat and little Boom laying near the pig pen keeping a close eye on his charges. Sneaky little pig!!! We have a theory that the other pigs send him to do the dirty work and let us know that they are hungry. We just consider him a "free-range pig", which seems a lot better than "the pig we can't seem to keep in his pen"!

We have five pigs, the original Sweet Peeps piggies, Truffle Scruffle and Locks 'n Ivy (very well behaved as far as the fence goes) and the three younger pigs Mr. Pink, Sir Stinky, and Dr. Porkchop. I keep calling the rogue pig Sir Stinky (because I think he is a stinker!) but Marissa tells me it's actually Mr. Pink. We are all especially fond of these last three names because of the story behind them.

Back in the beginning of the summer we were invited to bring some of our animals to the Library Summer Kickoff party. We had a blast and our mini petting zoo was a huge hit with all the kids! The best part is that we had a "Name That Pig" contest where all of the kids entered their favorite names and we chose the top three. I have to say that variations of "porkchop" and "bacon" were probably the most common followed closely by "Wilber". That's pretty much the two ends of the spectrum as far as meaning of pig names go! "Wilber" is sweet but I think "Bacon" is more accurate. Lots of people ask us how we feel about the thought of eating our pigs. Honestly, for me it is a little bit hard to think about but I really like what a farmer friend of ours, Tom Ward says that "every day of these pigs lives is amazing and good until one day they have a bad day". And it's true, you never saw such happy, healthy pigs...especially our free-ranger!

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Bucket List - Guest Blog by Ben Karp

Over these past couple of months we've had lots of visitors come out to the farm. We joke around that you can't come to the farm without working...except it's not really a joke. We have loved having all of our friends and family and have SO SO appreciated their hard work. Our most recent (and seriously loved) guest was Ben Karp and he has written about his experience at Sweet Peeps Farm.

As many people now know a couple months back Gypsy John Post decided to pack up his Nag Champa incense along with his patchouli oils to settle on a farm in Dyke County Virginia.  Now that a couple months have passed and the locals have almost accepted the pink barn, I couldn’t think of a better time to visit the Sweet Peeps Farm!

    I departed Albany, New York on a 12 hour train to Charlottesville, Virginia. The trip down was a brilliant cultural experience. As the cities started to disappear the Civil War reenactments flourished.   After a 30 minute wait John pulls up and exits his vehicle to greet my arrival.  At this time I am beginning to notice a lot has changed since I left my friend in Asia.  For example, John’s previous Cambodian motobike is now a flatbed Ford, his krama is now a cowboy hat, and his Australian skinny jeans have been replaced by ass-less chaps (which I’m still not convinced are actually necessary for farming). 

    Knowing John well I knew that this change was for good reason.  It soon became apparent to me that full cultural assimilation would be necessary if I wanted to survive in these parts. John created a Gypsy farmer bucket list of essential activities that would help smooth my transition.  The list is as follows:

1)    Clean up chicken poop in a cowboy hat.
2)    Tackle a loose goat and return to barracks
3)    Fire a gun (target optional)
4)    Bush hog a field
5)    Hike Old Rag Mountain barefoot at night
6)    Bareback ride a stallion
7)    Go to a local bar dressed head to toe in farmers gear and talk intelligently about chickens for five minutes.

Tolerance and adaptability is essential in life to create a true experience.  So when in Rome….

What I learned:
1)    As romantic as life on the farm sounds at the end of the day you still have to clean up a lot of chicken poop.
2)    Goats act like 3 year old children except with balls the size of grapefruits.
3)    There is nothing funny about guns (unless you are being shot at by a clown).

4)    Bush hog is farmer lingo for cutting grass. So as awesome as it may sound if a farmer tries to put it on your bucket list it just means he wants you to mow his lawn.

5)    It is not a good idea to hike Old Rag barefoot at night, especially with a Gypsy farmer on a highly Paleo diet.
6)    A stallion named ‘Rocket’ was probably given that name for a reason. Whether the name was given for his wild nature or for a more "Discovery Chanel" situation, it doesn’t matter. Still not a good idea to ride this stallion with no previous experience.
7)    No matter how big your cowboy hat, you can't fake a bar conversation about farming with a real farmer.

In all seriousness,
Although I am not sure I will ever meet the criteria to be a true farmer the experience I had at Sweet Peeps was influential. It is so inspiring for me to remember that although there are so many great places in the world you can still have a cultural experience here at home(Merica!). 
John, Steph, Bryce, Marissa, Kat and Blue continue to sludge through the mud (literally) on their new adventure, addressing every new challenge with a smile (and lots of high fives).  The work they are doing is that of purpose which is very laudable. My cowboy hat is off to these six wonderful Gypsy farmers!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Little Bit of Gypsy in Us All

"Compassionate Adventurers" is the term John and his fellow teammates of The Modern Gypsies use when referring to themselves. Our very own Gypsy Farmer is a little bit famous these days as his team The Gypsies keep proving how amazing they are as athletes and as people on the new reality TV show Expedition Impossible. We at Sweet Peeps are so proud of the mustached team as we watch them both on the show and in real life while they work to truly make a difference by inspiring the compassionate adventurer in us all.

We have had a lot of fun cheering them on every Thursday at The Standard (an awesome local restaurant where they strive to serve local foods including our delicious chickens). We have been letting our creative juices flow by coming up with a different crafty party favor every week from purple mustaches on a stick all with their own unique name to mustache straws. We have also all been wearing purple, The Gypsies team color and conveniently my favorite, and those of us who can are rocking some sweet staches!! Check out a couple of John's interviews about the show and the farm at crossfit journal and Cville Local News.

Just in case anyone is wondering, we did today's WOD for the local ABC news.
5 rounds for time of 5 pullups, 5 burpees, 20 double unders, 50meter feedbag carry (50lbs). Good times as usual!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Farmfit in Action

I know it's been a while since my last post and I'm sorry. We have had so much going on...all the more reason to be blogging of course. That's how the blog thing goes! Well, I could make excuses but I don't really believe in excuses. The important thing is that I'm making a commitment now to all of you that I will post at least once a week. Now to the good stuff!!

A little background:
We at Sweet Peeps have been involved in some sort of CrossFit for about three years now. For those of you who don't know, CrossFit (in my own words) is an intense type of workout that uses constantly varied, functional movements. It will kick your butt, make you feel great, and most importantly is a blast!! Don't be overly intimidated. The beauty is that it can be modified to fit any level of experience or fitness. (I strongly encourage anyone who is interested to learn more about CrossFit.) The best part about CrossFit is the incredible community that has been created around it and we got to see some of that today. Since we've been out on the farm we have been following the WODs (workout of the day) of two of my favorite gyms, CrossFit East Decatur, and Charlottesville CrossFit and have tweaked them to create what we call FarmFit so we can do them right here out of the barn with whatever fabulous mode of torture we can find. We have been having so much fun FarmFiting about a great team building experience!! I love that on any given day any one of our friends might show up with sneakers ready for a workout. We always come through!!

The fun part:
We're out on the farm working very hard at living as "primal" of a lifestyle as we can. We grow our own food and workout right here on the farm (and I'm talking about in addition to the daily farm work that could probably be considered a WOD in itself!). Today Mike came out from CrossFit HQ and interviewed us and took some videos around the farm and of the animals. A few of our fellow CrossFitters from northern VA and from Cville CrossFit also came out for a FarmFit WOD. We all had a blast and really hope to make the CrossFit community proud!! While I'm on the topic of community, last night we also got to meet a really neat paleo/crossfit family who drove all the way from Greensboro to show their support. We are definitely feeling the love!! Check out the first interview with CrossFit HQ about John, The Gypsies, and Sweet Peeps Farm. The next video will be even better!!
Clover counts reps for John.

Today's WOD: Morning Chores
For time. Teams of four must collect the following while the fourth teammate completes farmer carries. Only one person may collect each movement at a time. One teammate must be doing the farmer carry at all times.
300 burpees
300 feed bag squats (50lbs)
80 pullups
Then 50m tractor push (We have to make use of the one that "almost works" somehow!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yard to Skillet

Huge thanks to Tom Silliman for sharing his time and vast knowledge with us and our friends at the Yard to Skillet workshop!! Although I have to admit I don't think I'll ever consider killing the chickens to be enjoyable, I find it incredibly satisfying and empowering to truly know my food sources. I love knowing that our chickens led happy, healthy lives. They were able to enjoy fresh air, sun, good food, and clean grass every day of their happy little chicken lives. I now have an even bigger appreciation for the food I choose to put into my body and gratitude to the animals who's lives provide my food. Yesterday we joined our friends Aaron and Heather, who also attended Tom's workshop, for a BBQ. They were clearly proud to serve up their delicious Sweet Peeps chickens they processed themselves. Heather claims "I will never buy conventional or cut-up chicken again". We couldn't agree more!!

If you missed Tom's workshop this weekend don't worry, we'll have more in the future!

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Secrets of Sweet Peeps

The pond, lovingly named Chocolake actually has fish in it! On Saturday Josh and his boys went fishing in our pond and proceeded to pull out bass hand over fist. They didn't keep any to eat but had a blast! Bryce and John also went for a pleasant afternoon swim and reported "it's deep!". They may or may not have been referring to the mud at the bottom.

We're stronger than we thought. Marissa and I are happy to announce we really are pretty darn strong!

The tractor works...IF it's rolling down hill and being pushed by John, Marissa, and I.

John is an amateur carpenter. He (along with the help of Leo) built some really awesome chicken coops for our broilers. It feels so good to go to bed at night and not have to worry about predators getting our chickens. Bonus, they also look really nice!

Nature is out of control!! We find ourselves constantly battling ants, flies, gnats, stink bugs, ticks, rats, mice, roaches, wasps, weeds, poison ivy, thorns and seriously stinky smells.

Secret swimming hole. We have finally started to do some trail maintenance of our sweet nature trails. Along the way we discovered a magical spot in the creek, cleaned it up, and declared it our new swimming hole. Some of us are still refusing to swim in Chocolake. There has been mention of a Choc-ness-monster.

We have lots of medicinal herbal plants around the property...we don't actually know what they are yet but would LOVE to have a naturalist come out and teach us.

Apparently we have 26 layers. It was pretty cool when we were in the coop the other night counting the chickens and counted two more than we thought we had. I think they must really be enjoying their new and improved "ladies only" coop with Christmas lights.

Spring really is the season of love. Horse love, dog love, goat love, inter-species love. What better place than a farm to learn about love? Forget the birds and bees...we're talking mammals!

This movie is accompanied by this week's theme song. If you want to experience what it's like to be at Sweet Peeps just play this song about 25 times a day and dance around and sing along. For the full experience cover yourself in sweat, dirt, and straw, and be sure to have chicken poop somewhere on your body. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don't Count Your Chickens (or Ducks, or Turkeys) Before They Hatch

Lets talk chickens (because that's mostly what we do around here).

First chicken topic: Chasing the chickens (of course). When we first came to the farm we were determined to get the chickens to sleep in their coop to protect them from predators at night. We had all good intentions as we chased them around the farm and caught most of them. The next day we got a tad bit wiser and tried to corral them and coerce them with treats. It didn't seem to work too well but we were pleasantly surprised and incredibly proud of ourselves as new farmers when the next couple of nights Daddy Roo led his harem (most of them) home on his own. Since then a few of the wild chickens tend to wander and not head home on their own. We still have to be here every night at dusk to lead the chickens home.  We were recently reinspired to keep working with the chickens when the rooster started crowing at 3am roosting in the tree right outside of John's window. Since that night John has really taken it upon himself to be doubly sure ALL the chickens are tucked in inside the coop.

Next chicken topic: our chickeny plans. The farmers of Sweet Peeps had a power meeting a few days ago to come up with a plan. Of course we all had on our power suits! Imagine all of us in our filthy jeans, having just finished shoveling compost, dirt under our nails, work gloves in our back pockets, sitting around a table in Starbucks next to the table of very clean men in business suits. As John picked up his coffee I caught site of his finger nails and thought how dirty and gross he was but when I glanced back down at my own hands they looked just at bad. Terrible! Anyway, the plan is we will get a delivery of 60 peeps every three weeks and we will process 20 chickens every week. It seems like a really good plan but I think we won't really know until we're doing it. One tidbit I find incredibly amusing is that for the first month our peeps will be delivered every Wednesday. The next month however, they will come every Tuesday. John and Marissa claim that there is some secret plan behind this but I'm pretty sure it just happened by accident as John was marking in the calender and turned the page.

Final chicken topic: the peep show. This is actually a chicken/turkey/duck topic. Sweet Peeps recently had our first set of hatchlings We had so much fun candeling them and watching them grow. We had one egg we could see the heart beating in and as they get older you can hear them peep from inside the egg. We started off with four duck eggs, two turkey eggs, and a heap of chicken eggs. We were so excited when the first chickens started hatching. They seemed to be doing so well! We noticed though as the day went on that they seemed to be having a hard time getting out and realized that it wasn't humid enough in the incubator. Marissa and I helped a couple of the chicks out after they got stuck. We got lucky because we learned AFTER the fact the right way to do an eggceriansection. The good news is, we'll know for next time. Sadly, only one of our ducks even tried to peck out and none of them survived. Even worse than that, was our sweet little poult (baby turkey). It hatched with only a little help from Marissa and looked so so strong. It was in a safe, warm place overnight and we thought for sure that it would be our friendly farm turkey. This morning though the report on the poult was "it got even cuter overnight but also died". So in the end, of our many eggs, we have 11 peeps, no ducks, and no turkeys. Now we truly understand the meaning of "don't count your chickens before they hatch". On a happier note, at the same time as the incubated eggs were hatching our wild momma hen hatched six eggs of her own. Those little guys are doing so well!! Apparently natural really is better. Surprised? I'm not.

Farm Vocab Words

Poult: Young turkey
Keet: Young guinea fowl
Brooder: Relates to baby birds, generally refers to the place you keep baby birds
Broody: How a momma bird acts when she's working on hatching eggs. Usually means she's sitting on her nest and probably pretty feisty if you get too close!! Marissa learned this the hard way as momma did a sneak dinosaur attack because Marissa looked at her the wrong way.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Keepin' it Sweet

Sweet Dog Farm has become Sweet Peeps Farm for sure! We have done tons of work, completing lots of things on our incredibly long list of things-to-do and even more things that didn't even make the list. Lets see...what stands out?

We have cleaned the house from top to bottom and painted the entire inside. We have also really gone to work on getting the farm cleaned up. We set up a great little house for the goats and a sweet spot in the edge of the woods for the piggies. The boys have done some awesome electric fence work!! I'm proud to say the pigs are trained to the electric fence, although none of the other animals can figure it out. They continue to take turns shocking themselves and are clearly surprised and appear to have injured their pride EVERY single time. The boys pressure washed the outside of the house (only a few puddles formed inside), and John and I hung the clothes line (our clothes only touch the grass sometimes). We processed our first chickens, with the help of a good friend who has been happy to share his wealth of knowledge with us, and Monday we will make our first sale to Virginia Cooperative Extension where our product will be tasted along with other products offered in Greene county. My personal favorite addition to the farm is our beautiful garden which we started planting yesterday and the long spot we tilled along the horizon, already dubbed "Gaga's Garden", where we will plant the wildflower seeds Gaga gave us.

One last thought on keeping it sweet. A couple of days ago I overheard the little girls chatting about "Sweet Deeps Farm". They explained to me that it was "Sweet Dog" and "Sweet Peeps" put together. I just loved that and thought it was a story worth sharing. Kids really have it figured out!

I do promise to post before and after photos of the farm in the future. Until then check out our logo thanks to my amazing friend, Morgan!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Super Quick Update

I know everyone is waiting to hear how the closing went. It went well!! We officially own Sweet Peeps Farm as of yesterday at 1600. Yay!! When we walked up to the farm it looked so great! Tom and Kelly (the previous owners) had really done a ton of work in a serious time crunch. We popped a couple of beers and started on our list of things-to-do. We also had some really great help from our awesome friends Aaron and Heather who not only rolled up their sleeves but also provided music, dinner, and great company.

Here is the schedule Bryce provided us if we want to move in on Friday. As of last night at 10:30 (when we left the farm) we were already a little behind. This list by no means encompasses ALL that we have to do, this is just to get us in the house.

Morning- 0800 J B walk-through, 0800 M S Lowes for stuff, 1100 C B morning magic, 1030 B M Close, 
Afternoon- 1300 all start cleaning downstairs all rooms (start with living, kithc, hall, kidsroom, sunroom, mudroom)
Evening- 1800 Clean upstairs, 1730 Blue soccer
Night- Sleep if we have time

Morn- 0800 Paint downstair ceilings, prime downstairs
After- Paint upstair ceiling, prime upstairs
Even- Color pickout at lowes, Cat BBall 1800

Morn- Paint downstairs 
After- Paint upstairs, Kids camp 1-4
Even- Start thinking about fencing and animal security

Morn- Pack up 295 Powell, start move to Peep
After- Start unpack and moving
Even- sleep

Morn- Pack, wait for fridge
After- Prep for Fri getdown
Even- Fri Getdown

Hope this gives you a taste of what we're up to here in the happy life. We're off to the farm for more fun!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Singing in the Rain

Stuck inside on a rainy day? Why not start your first business?! That's exactly what we did. By the end of a very rainy day we had completed a pretty impressive list of things-to-do including getting our tax number, filing for a fictitious name, opening a small business bank account, signing our partnership and co-owner agreements, buying a new fridge (it's so pretty that we have all agreed that instead of putting it in the little hole it's meant to fit in, we'll put it in the center of our living room so we can all love on it appropriately), publishing our website, and last but certainly not least buying the boys new gum boots. My favorite part by far was the signing of papers and such. I'm not gonna lie, it sorta felt like we were all getting what I'm not sure. Maybe to our unique family or to a beautiful idea. Or maybe it was because Marissa and I held the pen together. Who knows. What I do know is that I have never had a rainy day when so much got done!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chase the Chickens and Laugh

Today went something like this:

Take the chicks out to their little play pen. Water and feed the chicks. Feed the goats (this is done out of bottles during which time they bow down and wag their cute little tails like crazy, clearly enjoying themselves). Chase the chicks around because they've managed to escape. Giggle a lot. Learn how to trim baby goat hooves. Snuggle the baby goats and let them suck your fingers. Shave half of the dog (yes, I do plan on finishing the job...maybe tomorrow) while Cat tells him the sweetest stories to keep him company. Run around the yard with the dogs and goats and kids. Laugh a lot at how cute all of the above are. Work out while trying not to hit any curious animals. Do a burpee in something wet, most likely fresh goat pee. Find this pretty darn funny. Eat breakfast of fresh farm eggs...literally laid yesterday by our happy chickens. Work on our awesome Sweet Peeps logo (Marissa is so creative!!). Go to Sweet Peeps Farm and make fun little houses for the chicks and of course, feed and water them. Chase the chicks around. Rearrange all the chicks houses. Visit our friends at their farm and get all kinds of great ideas from them, along with an incubator and some turkey and duck eggs. Go back to Sweet Peeps Farm and realize that our new chick houses aren't so great for cold, stormy nights and re-rearrange all the chicks houses. Chase the chicks around. Giggle a lot. Come home to a bunch of rouge chickies and you guessed it, chase them around for a while too. Eat a delicious home-made dinner by Gaga (Grandma Lynne). Sit on the porch, catching up, making plans, watching the animals do silly animal things, and just enjoying good company. What a great day!!!

There was one point today when Marissa and I, each with our entire upper bodies squeezed through the chicken door in the coop, surrounded by chicken poop and tiny peeping chicks, still sticky from our workout and probably covered in a fair amount of chicken poop ourselves, looked at each other and cracking up decided we could officially call ourselves farmers.

Today's Vocab Words (a.k.a. I, as a new farmer pretty much just figured these out...seriously!)

Clutch: a bunch of eggs in a nest. These are the ones that might hatch.
Flake of Hay: a slice of a bale of hay. 
Hay: dried grasses that include the grains and seeds. Food for animals. (OK, I knew what hay was but     did not know what it was in relation to straw)
Straw: hay minus the grains and seeds. The stuff for animals to snuggle into. 
Peep: baby chicks, newly hatched (and super cute). Not just the yummy Easter candies...who knew!?
Pullet: a young domestic hen, usually less than a year old. 
Broiler: type of chicken raised for meat (the ones you probably don't want to name).
Layer: type of chicken raised for laying eggs (the pretty ones you get to name).

Friday, April 8, 2011

“I was fundamentally happier, I found, with my focus on the ground," she writes. "For the first time, I could clearly see the connection between my actions and their consequences. I knew why I was doing what I was doing, and I believed in it. I felt the gap between who I thought I was and how I behaved begin to close, growing slowly closer to authentic…I was beginning to learn something about the peace you can find inside an infinite challenge.”
-Kristin Kimball, The Dirty Life

I just finished one of the best books, The Dirty Life by Kristin Kimball. It's the true story of a city girl who falls in love with a farmer and then farming (or it might be the other way around) and her transition from city life to the life of a true organic farmer on a not-so-small farm. She is funny and genuine and pretty much tells it like it is.

I have heard the quote many times "you reap what you sow" but Kristen Kimball tells it like it really is. She says; “Because you don’t reap what you sow. That’s a lie. You reap what you sow, hill, cultivate, fertilize, harvest, and store.”

All I have left to say is READ THIS BOOK!!!! Such a fabulous, fun, feel good read.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Inventory Goddess

Recently, I was appointed as the tribe's Gett-er of all Things awesome. I have taken this new assignment very seriously and immediately set to work on building spring inventory for the farm. This might be an overwhelming responsibility but luckily, I have two in-house consultants who advise me on all important decisions. Typically, their recommendation goes something like this, "Definately!" and "Get more, Momma". Here's what we have as of this week.

1. Twenty five "layers" which are now 1 week old and doing great. They have gone from fluffy puffs 7 days ago to now about palm of your hand size sweeties. They arrived in a peeping box at the post office labled "Rainbow Pullets". There are 5 varieties (we think) based on the variation of colors. Rainbow speaks to the color of the eggshells that they will produce and not the color of their feathers. (Sorry, N. Blue. ) Anyways, hopefully we'll all be just as delighted when we're collecting the easter eggs in blue/green, light brown and chocolate brown by the dozens to share.

2. Fifteen "broilers" due to arrive Friday. Broilers means these guys will be dinner. Aka...No naming them Catalina and Stephie! This is a small order due to the fact that it'll be our first go at raising and "processing" this type of bird. Luckily, we have the best farming mentor this side of the route 33 helping us along the way. Tom, current/soon to be former owner of Sweet Dog Farm is doing an incredible job walking us through the whole process start to finish.

These birds will be ready for dinner in 8 weeks. Making them an excellent warm up for the whole tribe to learn about poultry and even better than that...A prospect for celebratory dinner after we close on the farm!

3. Thirty more broilers due on April 1st which will be ready for sale May 28th hopefully these will be our first dollar earned.

4. A slew of started herbs and veggies that will be ready to plant in the ground on May 1st at the farm. At this point, the plants are someplace between just germinated seed and 3 inches tall. Varieties include, Tendergreen burpless cucumber, red cherry tomato, german striped tomatos, red peppers, rosemary, parsley, basil, cilantro, sweet banana peppers, cayenne peppers and garden green beans.

So now, here we are, my house smells like fresh soil and there are 40 chickens in my basement. What's left to do? Oh ya, aquire 3 little piggies. Love!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Farmer D TEDx Talk

Check this guy out! Farmer D is full of really awesome information. He's clearly well educated and really experienced...not to mention pretty cute. He has basically put into words a lot of what our tribe has been thinking about, talking about, and educating ourselves about these past few months. I love that he so eloquently melded what should be our shared concerns of our modern day society. I can't wait to hear what you guys think of all this fabulous information. Lets educate ourselves and bring ourselves closer to our food sources!! Enjoy!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ideas Anyone?

I'm feeling the need to write a followup to my previous post. I talked about the naysayers but seem to have left out a really important part...the many many people who HAVE been excited and supportive. One of the coolest parts of this experience so far is all the fabulous, sometimes very creative ideas that people have shared with us. Suggestions have included everything from how to build various things to business ideas, to what boots are the best. One of my personal favorites is to "always wear a skirt when working in the garden because you'll get a nice breeze on your tushy". Brilliant!! We love hearing everyone's ideas and experiences. Please share more!!
I also didn't mention all the people who have offered to help in various ways once we have actually purchased our farm. I can't wait to put all of these willing hands to work. Before we know it we'll be comparing calluses...and they wont be from pullups for once!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Great Adventure

Did I say six of us? The dogs had a meeting and they're in too!
I LOVE to talk about our future plans to pretty much anyone who will listen...friends, family, coworkers, total strangers, you name it! In fact, most of you have probably been sucked into my excited jabber at some point! In all of my many "talking about myself (and our plans)" experiences of recent, most often the conversation goes something like this:
Steph: "So...we're buying a farm"
Totally random person...perhaps the Verizon guy who called to ask me to buy something from him: "What?! That's so cool!! So you grew up on a farm?"
Steph: "No"
Person: "So you have experience with farming?"
Steph: "Not exactly"
Person: "So you must be a really good gardener."
Steph: "No, I've actually never gardened in my life."
Person (generally said with much understanding): " your friends must have experience!"
Steph: "Mmmm not really."
At this point the person either starts getting really excited and super supportive and says something along the lines of "Wow, you guys are so brave! I wish I could do that!" or "Can I come?!". But every once in a while they feel the need to describe to me exactly how difficult it's going to fact, LOTS of people feel the need to explain that to me. Then sometimes they even follow up with all the reasons it's not going to work. I appreciate the concern and here's my response:
Between the six (I'm definitely including the kiddos on this one) of us we are resourceful, creative, good with finances (and not so good with finances), pretty dang handy and good with duct tape. We have a plethora of experiences, quite a few unique ideas, and lots of good intention. We are, for the most part hard workers, although I have to admit I loooove to sleep late.  Most importantly, every one of us has the heart of an adventurer and it is because of that that we will succeed...or not. Either way it will be a great adventure and we will be in it together!!
Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.
- George Washington
Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
- T.S. Eliot
Whatever your actions, it’s the intention you hold in your heart that truly matters.
-Dalai Lama

Monday, February 14, 2011

Marching to the beat of our own drum... a sometimes very loud drum

Something I love that I noticed this weekend about our family is our ability to stand out even among an already semi odd and diverse group of people. While staying in the Courtyard Marriott in Danville for the farmers conference, we were inspired by all the traveling business people having meetings in the hotel lounge. Having very serious business of our own to discuss, including everything from farm finances to how many dogs each of us are allowed in our tiny future farm house, we decided a very serious power pajama meeting was in order (pictured right).

Also included this weekend for the worlds entertainment:
  • Our Crossfit style workouts on the front lawn of the hotel, a spectacle for everyone in the hotel and the main highway passing by
  • The kid fort under our table during the business planning portion of the conference
  • Marissa and I trying unsuccessfully to sneak quietly out of any seminar we deemed boring.
  • Knowing that any loud clanging noise coming from another room was most likely Blue dropping something
Thinking about all these things made me appreciate how the family structure we are creating and the lifestyle we are choosing to share will give us the opportunity to enjoy being different. Here's to awkward moments... Cheers

Tribal Conference

Attending the Virginia Biological Farmers Conference was the perfect first official act for our tribe. It's the first time we have all been together in a long time. Bryce has been vacationing in Afghanistan for the last 6 months, I have been living and volunteering in asia, Steph doing travel nursing in Atlanta and Marissa training the next generation of our tribe in the rugged Blue mountains of Virgina. The fact that we all got to be together is special in its own right.

Through out the conference I was impressed by the amazing ideas coming from such a diverse group of people. Most of all, I was impressed by the willingness of these people to share their hard earned ideas with strangers brought together by a common goal. Grow real food in a sustainable way. This simple idea has been buried for a long time and seeing this diverse group working together to bring it back was inspiring. Tribal Act 1... Success

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Here's the Beginning of Our Story...

Marissa and I met in nursing school at FSU in 2003ish. My first memory of Marissa is when we were partnered up to practice bed baths. I was thinking something along the lines of “man she’s got awesome abs” and as far as I’m concerned we’ve been friends ever since. Bryce and Marissa recently got married after many years of partnership (that’s a fabulous story I’ll let them share if they want to) and have the two coolest kids I have ever met by far, Catalina (9) and Nolan Blue (6). John is my amazing “little big” brother. Throughout the years, the four of us have played many different roles to each other including colleagues, travel buddies, flatmates, workout partners, team mates, most importantly friends, and everything in between...essentially creating our own unique family, which we now lovingly call our Tribe.

So, while Bryce was deployed in Afghanistan and John was volunteering in Cambodia, Marissa and I were participating in a “Happiness Training” with the kids when we came upon a project where we were supposed to draw a picture of an “important life goal”. As we stood back and looked at the fridge covered with our drawings of dreams we realized that our goals were completely compatible and so we got to plotting.